Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hope in Different Forms.

     These weeks have been good ones.
     This past Sunday we went to our host’s church and afterwards did street evangelism with her and her friends. We wrapped bibles with invitations to their church inside. We handed them out with light bulbs and the phrase, ‘this is the light for your flat, and this is the light for your life.’ It was encouraging and inspiring to us to see women doing evangelism in their own city.

     Thursday and Friday we went to a city called Arsenyev. Our purpose there was to connect with an English club. We prayed that God would open doors for conversation to be about Him. The club met both days and we did have some really good discussions.We were able to build relationships with a few people in particular and to encourage the people we met and call out the potential we saw in them, and are still keeping in touch.

     We have continued with our weekly English class with locals, our children's English classes, and doing ministry with village children and are beginning to build even deeper relationships with the people we've met in each of those. We have also continued with more street evangelism, and are working on meeting up with the people we've met through that to help them with their English, to talk more, and hopefully hook them up with some local ministries and churches we've become apart of here.

     Coming here we knew that God wanted us to be a part of bringing hope to this country and this week the three of us realized that hope looks different to each of us and we each have a different role to play in bringing it here. We’re a mix of salvation, healing, and purpose and we continually pray for God’s ideas in showing that to this country. We've also realized the importance of the small things: compliments, smiles, and hellos. Those things can make all the difference here.

    Prayer for opportunity to speak truth, bring hope, and make a difference would be so appreciated. As well as prayer that God would continually show us and remind us just why He has us here. Paige and Heidi are slightly sick right now as well and we would appreciate your continued prayer for our team in that. Thank you for your prayers and support!   

             Rachel for the team. 

1 comment:

  1. Are you yet in Russia? It´s interesting read your text. Greeting to Heidi! Tuija
