Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello All!! This is Rachel Meck reporting for Team Russia!
      This is going to be a short post; just a small update on whats going on. Team Russia aka Paige Motz, Emily Memmott, Heidi Lopez and myself - will be leaving for Russia on January 27. We have plane tickets on hold but we haven't bought them yet. We're working on getting our visas and its a very long process.
     In the picture, Emily is on the far left and she is from right here in Australia; I'm next and I'm from Pennsylvania, America; Heidi is next and she is from Finland; and Paige is from Texas, America.
     Your prayers are appreciated in this time as we are still getting everything together and ready to go. Pray for team unity, that everything would come together post haste, and that we would continue to seek God in everything we do.
     Thank you!
           Rachel for the team.